Monday, 28 August 2017

Amazing Alphabetical Alliteration Makes Real Relationships Rule

I.A.L.T make a relationship about our work

Firstly, we recorded with screencastify and used our voice to say our words.

Secondly, we got messed up with Mrs N computer it didn't work so we used Tania's computer it worked

Then we got in a line of alphabetical Tania messed up W

Also, we've done another one some people got messed up they didn't know what they mean.

Cross Country - Green Screen

I.A.L.T Go home and run up the hill 5 times a day and use a timer. My mum said "It doesn't matter if you come sixth It's all about running."                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Firstly, Mrs G took a green screen and set it up for us so we can say our goals, how and reflection.

Secondly, We walked outside and got in lines Mrs G said "Run like a dinosaur is chasing us" 

Thirdly, It was assembly and we had to rush in the Whare Kai to do our green screen. We had to stand in front of a green screen and present our goals.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Alliteration Critters

W.A.L.T. write an alliteration describing a relationship between two creatures. We used a shared Google Doc to write our alliteration. In a shared Google Slide we had to add a background then inserted png images of the critters.
W.A.L.T  identify the time taken to complete task. We had to estimate three task in seconds, minutes and hour