Friday, 21 September 2018


In Te Maunga we have been doing geometry. It was like highschool geometry but it wasn't. We had to count how many corners, faces and edges. The questions we had was Number of Faces, Number of Edges and Number of  Corners. It was hard to count the edges and corners. I miss counted the corners and got 9 instead of 8. I hope I did more geometry next term. 

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Procedural Writing T3 W8

In Te Maunga we had been doing Procedural writing about Birdball, Pikelets and flubber. Pikelets was one of my favourite food that I have ever made. It was fun mixing and pouring. Birdball is my 2nd favourite, but except it was smelly. When the birdball was finish we went outside by the road and found a tree. We had to put the string with the birdball and hang it on the tree. Flubber was my 3rd favourite thing. Because when we tried to make flubber but it didn't work. For the next procedural writing I'm hoping to use time sequence.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Flubber T3 W8

In Te Maunga we have been making flubber. Flubber feels like slime but it has a different recipe. The ingredients for flubber is Borax, Water, Food Colouring, One cup of water, 4 cups of PVA glue and four tsp of borax. We tried to make it but it turned out it didn't work. We mixed it for along time but it didn’t work.